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5 Cara Jitu Meyakinkan Konsumen Di Online Shop Untuk Beli

5 Cara Jitu Meyakinkan Konsumen Di Online Shop Untuk Beli — Perlu kita akui, walau online shop saat ini sedang berkembang dengan pesat tetapi masih saja banyak orang yang tidak percaya untuk berbelanja di online shop. Walau, Anda sudah mempersiapkan web dengan baik, produk terbaik hingga bekerja sama dengan perusahaan pengiriman terbaik pula. Namun, tetap saja keranjang belanja pelanggan potensial Anda belum juga terisi. Alasan-alasan seperti takut ditipu, produk yang tidak sesuai dengan ekspetasi, kecepatan web yang tidak mendukung dan masih banyak alasan lainnya yang membuat mereka tidak percaya pada Anda. Kalau seperti itu tentu bisnis akan sulit untuk berkembang.

Maka itu, ini dia 5 cara jitu yang kami sarankan untuk meyakinkan konsumen di online shop Anda, yaitu:

- Buktikan Bahwa Web Anda Aman

Image Source: cttsonline

Image Source: cttsonline

Cara meyakinkan konsumen di online shop yang pertama adalah membuktikan bahwa web Anda aman. Mengapa? Agar ketika pelanggan belanja dan akan melakukan checkout menjadi aman, tidak ada kendala yang perlu dikhawatirkan lagi. Cara membuktikan bahwa web Anda ini aman dan dilindungi adalah dengan menambahkan “s” dialamat web, dari http menjadi https. Selain menjadi bukti kepada pelanggan bahwa situs Anda aman, ini juga merupakan kebutuhan yang mutlak harus dimiliki oleh e-commerce website.

Situs web Anda tersebut akan diamankan oleh protokol keamanan standar yang mengenkripsi data antara server web dan brower yaitu dengan menggunakan Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Agar bisa mendapatkan pengamanan itu di situs web, Anda harus mendapatkan sertifikat SSL. Jika sudah mendapat sertifikat SSL, Anda hanya perlu memberi tahu pelanggan bahwa web Anda aman, contohnya dengan cara menampilkan logo SSL di web Anda.

Image source: southhampsteadresidential

Image source: southhampsteadresidential

- Tunjukkan Review Orang Yang Membeli Produk Anda

Cara meyakinkan konsumen di online shop lainnya adalah dengan mencantumkan review pelanggan yang sudah membeli dari Anda. Orang-orang akan melihat bahwa web Anda memang aman, karena sudah dibuktikan dengan review pelanggan tersebut. Review yang Anda cantumkan bisa seperti penilaian yang diberikan pelanggan atau bisa pula berupa pendapat mereka tentang produk Anda. Mintalah kepada setiap konsumen online Anda untuk memberikan kritik dan saran yang membangun untuk mengembangkan bisnis online Anda. Testimoni positif dari pelanggan sebelumnya, akan mendatangkan pelanggan baru untuk Anda.

- Desain Web Agar Lebih Profesional

Image source: bukaloka

Image source: bukaloka

Cara meyakinkan konsumen di online shop selanjutnya adalah dengan membuat web lebih profesional. Cara yang bisa dilakukan adalah dengan menunjukkan kepada mereka bahwa perusahaan Anda “nyata” dengan mencantumkan semua “pendukung” yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan yang nyata. Seperti Anda memiliki kontak layanan customer (baik itu tanya jawab tentang produk Anda ataupun keluh kesah yang ingin disampaikan konsumen) di kontak layanan customer tersebut Anda bisa mencantumkan nomor yang bisa dihubungi atau formulir email. Selain itu, jangan lupa membuat halaman FAQ. jika Anda memiliki FAQ layanan pelanggan yang lengkap, akan membuat konsumen online tidak ragu-ragu untuk berbelanja.

- Jadikan Web Anda Agar Lebih Personal

Tokopedia (1).JPG

Buat web agar lebih personal merupakan cara meyakinkan pelanggan ke 4 yang perlu diperhatikan. Kita sebagai manusia, pastinya akan mempercayai seorang manusia. Begitu juga pelanggan, mereka mempercayai manusia bukan sebuah web. Jadi, Anda bisa membuat web menjadi lebih personal, seperti memberikan pesan singkat dari CEO atau pendiri dengan informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh pelanggan.

Anda juga bisa menambahkan foto tim dibagian “About” agar orang-orang mengetahui perusahaan Anda, karena pelanggan tidak hanya membutuhkan informasi tentang perusahaan Anda. Akan tetapi, juga bagian personal dari perusahaan secara garis besarnya saja.

Anda juga bisa mengirimkan email marketing atau newsletter kepada konsumen online yang sudah membeli produk Anda, seperti suatu ucapan terimakasih karena sudah percaya menggunakan produk Anda.

- Usahakan Untuk Mengurangi Resiko Pada Pelanggan

Terakhir yang perlu Anda lakukan agar bisa meyakinkan konsumen di online shop, untuk membeli produk Anda adalah dengan mengurangi resiko yang bisa saja terjadi pada pelanggan. Anda harus memikirkan resiko yang bisa dialami oleh setiap orang jika berbelanja di e-commerce website. Ketika Anda sudah mengatasi masalah yang bisa terjadi didepan, nantinya Anda pun tidak perlu repot lagi mengatasinya. Masalah yang bisa terjadi seperti mengalami pengembalian uang, komplain yang berlebihan terhadap produk, produk rusak dan masih banyak hal lainnya. Contoh mengurangi resiko pelanggan bisa seperti memberikan ongkos kirim gratis untuk pengiriman dalam negeri dengan minimal pembelian Rp 100 rb. Jadi mereka bisa langsung mengerti untuk mendapat insentif ongkos kirim gratis berarti harus belanja minimal Rp 100 rb dan hanya untuk dalam negeri saja, sehingga pelanggan tidak jadi komplain kepada Anda. Atau contoh lainnya adalah dengan menawarkan pelanggan menggunakan asuransi untuk pengiriman atau menggunakan jasa pengiriman yang lebih mahal, khusus untuk barang pecah belah atau memiliki resiko rusak yang tinggi.

image source: cemiti

image source: cemiti


Sebenarnya, cara yang dilakukan oleh konsumen online dan konsumen offline dalam berbelanja hampir sama. Konsumen offline biasanya akan melihat-lihat sekeliling dan membandingkan satu tempat dengan yang lain, mana yang bisa memberikan produk terbaik dan memuaskan mereka, itulah yang akan dipilih. Begitu pula yang akan dilakukan oleh konsumen online, melihat-lihat toko mana yang bisa mereka percaya dan menawarkan produk yang terbaik, maka mereka akan memilihnya. Jadi, jadikan toko atau web Anda menjadi yang bisa dipercaya ketika pelanggan mencoba untuk melihat-lihat.

Untuk mengetahui strategi digital marketing lainnya, Omsetgo solusinya. Anda bisa menghubungi kami via WhatsApp 087808786899 atau email ke Kami tunggu kabar baiknya :)

Online Marketing for Food and Beverages Manufacturers - OMSETGO Case Study

Online Marketing for Food and Beverages Manufacturers - OMSETGO Case Study

nabbrands-11-13-15-872x423.jpg - Online marketing channels have been a powerful tool way for any businesses to increase sales and gain more customers. Businesses from many industries like food and beverages, education, fashion, and real estate have been adopting online advertising around the world. Here is Nestlé India's Good Food, Good Life video that successfully engaged its audience well:

The video above shows how food can actually make people happier when they share it. It's simple, yet emotional. The family adopted a child and the boy was initially jealous of his parents' attention. Eventually, when the little girl shared food with him, he started to like and accept her in the family.

At OMSETGO, we believe that every business can do something to actually leverage online marketing channels to increase its revenue and customers.

Food and beverages manufacturers are more suitable to actually sell offline in supermarkets and other markets. Unlike fashion products such as clothes, shoes, and accessories that are very suitable to be sold online. The idea is to maintain competitive pricing of its food and beverages products by delivering in large quantity to stores, not direct to consumers. However, this doesn't stop a food and beverages manufacturer to leverage with online marketing. It can actually drive its online audience to buy offline.

Here are a few steps for a food and beverages manufacturer to utilize online marketing:

1. Building an online audience

It is important for a food and beverages company to build an online audience. Consumers have started to stop consuming content from traditional sources such as newspaper, magazine, TV, and Radio. Consumers are using mobile phones to consume contents daily. They search for things on Google, Bing, or Yahoo. They socialize with their friends and acquaintances on Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, and Twitter. They communicate with their family and friends with WhatsApp, LINE, Facebook Messenger, and WeChat. The watch videos on YouTube, not TV.


Consumers are spending increasingly more time online on their mobile phones

In order to stay relevant, a food and beverages company need to be a brand that exists in consumers digital life. It can start with building an audience on Facebook and Instagram. These followers will get updates about the company such as new product launch and new promotion.

At OMSETGO, we can help you to build your online audience with our expertise in social media marketing. We help F&B companies to create engaging and relevant advertisements to the right target audience, at the right place and time.

2. Engage online audience and increase brand value

Building an online audience is important, keeping them engaged is also important. When potential customers follow you on Instagram, it means they think you are good. It means the care enough to see your updates. A food and beverages company has to create great and meaningful contents that people want to see.

The content has to always be consumer-centric. It has to include consumers and the brand itself. People care when you care about them too.

Look at some of Coca-Cola's Instagram posts below:


The photos do not show the faces of the people. The idea is to show that this can be anyone, this can be you! The photos show adventure, friends, love, and fun. The photos show Coca-Cola bottles and red color to indicate that Coca-Cola is always there during the great moments of your life. Coca-Cola successfully tells the consumers that they understand and care about them.

3. Share trackable promotions

Why trackable promotions? Before the usage of online marketing, most promotions are not trackable. Brands usually run a TV Ads, Newspaper Ads, Magazine Ads, then tell the potential consumers that they can get free gift or a promotion for certain product. However, brands do not easily track who actually purchase and use the promotion. How do brands know which advertisement make them purchase, etc?

Even when using online marketing channels and social media, most brands do not track the success of the campaign effectively.

At OMSETGO, we can help you to track and analyze all your advertising data with our expertise in Data Analytics. We can help you track which campaigns drive the most purchase. We can help you to know the Return on Investment (ROI) of your marketing budget in various channels.

Businessman touching financial dashboard with key performance in

At OMSETGO, we can help you know who your customers really are. How old are they? Male or female? Where do they live? What do they like? Where did they find your brand? Where did they find the promotion? We are able to generate meaningful insights for your company.

4. Increase word-of-mouth marketing to build larger customer base

Word-of-mouth is one of the most powerful marketing that can make a business successful. We generally believe in our family and friends. We believe in people with experience and knowledge. Whenever our family and friends recommend something for us, we would consider it, because we know that they care about us.

This can only be achieved by engaging the audience and understanding them with data analytics, then running relevant and meaningful marketing campaigns. We will be able to improve our product and brand to be able to make the audience becoming our fans. Apple successfully made the audience love them. Their customers eventually promote Apple products to their family and friends. In return, they are one of the most valuable companies in the world now.


Creating a great online advertising campaign is not easy. Understanding the effectiveness of the campaigns and generating useful insights are even harder. OMSETGO strives to bring excellence in utilizing the best technologies to help you grow your food and beverages company, to help you craft the best online marketing tactics, to help you understand your customers better.

About OMSETGO Digital Marketing Specialist

OMSETGO is all about increasing your sales. OMSETGO is a Digital Marketing Specialist with expertise in Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, and Data Analytics. We have seen many businesses that have spent huge budgets in various media without being able to really understand the success rate of their campaigns.

We believe there must be a better way. OMSETGO utilizes the best technologies to assist our clients to gain high Return on Investment (ROI) for their marketing campaigns.

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Increase Book Sales of an Author - OMSETGO Case Study

Increase Book Sales of an Author - OMSETGO Case Study

how-do-i-get-my-book-out-there3.jpg - There is a new book being published every 30 seconds. Currently, more than 32 million books are available worldwide. The book industry is indeed a very competitive space. The most famous books will be sold in the quantity of millions of copies. While the rest will only be sold in the number of hundreds or thousands. How much income does an author make?

A research has shown that the median income for all authors worldwide is below $5,000. There are of course exceptional authors like J.K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter. 'Hybrid' authors who distribute their books with traditional publishing method and also self-publishing make more sales from the rest.

A survey shows that traditionally published authors making a median annual income of $3,000–$4,999, and independent authors a median of $500–$999. So-called hybrid authors, however – those who publish in both ways – did best, earning $7,500–$9,999 a year.

  1. Traditionally published authors: The book is published by a publisher.
  2. Independent writers: The book is self-published.
  3. Hybrid authors: The book is published by a publisher and self-published.

So, how do we actually increase book sales of an author? Digital marketing is the key, whether self-published or published by a publisher.

Imagine an author publishes a book and then expect someone to discover his/her book in a bookstore. It is tough and unlikely for someone to actually be very interested in the particular book when they see it. There are thousands of books in every store. It is unlikely for many people to choose to pick up your book if they do not know you previously.

However, a book has its own advantage. As an information product, it is searchable online if people talk about it in forums or mentioned by bloggers in their posts. has become a giant e-commerce company and it started with books. Why? People actually search for books online, because looking for a specific book in the store is tiring.

So if you are an author and you are not leveraging on online marketing channels, you are missing out a lot.

Moving on, we will discuss on how authors can improve their book sales.

Increase book sales of an author with more sales and marketing channels:

1. A website is the most important channel an author can have.

A website is customizable according to what the author is all about. It can also be filled with the identity, the story behind the book, blog posts, and a way for readers to directly purchase the book from the website. It is a presence online that an author can control. It is also the place for an author to gain subscribers, loyal readers, and communicating with them time to time. A website is a place where people can know an author better and understand deeply who he/she is, provided the author writes blog posts regularly to share his/her thoughts and updates.

Eric Ries, the author of The Lean Startup has been raising an awareness about the book through startup community and getting subscribers on its website. Lean startup is a method for developing businesses and products first proposed in 2008 by Eric Ries. Based on his previous experience working in several U.S. startups, Ries claims that startups can shorten their product development cycles by adopting a combination of business-hypothesis-driven experimentation, iterative product releases, and what he calls validated learning.


As of now, The Lean Startup's website has about 100,000 visitors every month, constantly giving them hundreds or thousands of potential buyers every single month.


Now let me ask you a question, does a book without a website can have 100,000 interested viewers per month? Maybe yes, maybe no.

2. Social Media is the way to engage with your readers or potential readers.

Social media is one of the best ways to gain loyal fans and followers. This is the place where an author can talk to their audience and builds a personal brand. Gary Vaynerchuk is the author of the books Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook and CRUSHIT! He uses almost all channels of social media to engage with his audience. Channels include YouTube, SnapChat, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.


He currently has 180,000 subscribers on YouTube alone.


Gary Vaynerchuk's social media channels are being updated daily.

With all these channels, Gary has created a personal brand that represents entrepreneurship, hustle, and straightforward truth.

Gary's total followers as of 9 April 2016: 2,270,626++

  1. Facebook: 554,867 likes
  2. Twitter: 1.24 million followers
  3. YouTube: 180,759 subscribers
  4. Instagram: 295,000 followers
  5. SnapChat: ???

Authors have to constantly post updates and engage with their loyal readers with social media, or someone else will do it. Authors are in the business of attention. If you are an author and you have not built a large engaged audience, you are missing out a lot.

3. Sell everywhere: Online stores and offline stores.

If an author has been selling his/her books in a bookstore chain, that is really great. However, there are still many places he/she can sell the book. Look at where The Lean Startup is being sold online: Amazon, IndieBound, Barnes & Noble, Powell's Books, Borders, Random House. It is even sold in ebook format. Followers have many options to choose from!


Gary Vaynerchuk also sells his books in many channels, you will always be able to find it by a quick search in those online stores.


The idea is to make it very easy for a reader to find the books. The process of finding the book has to be seamless for a potential reader. If it is very difficult to find a book, it will indicate that the book is not famous enough. People believe in famous books, fame indicates value. The more people talk about a book, the more valuable it seems. The more stores selling the book, the more popular it seems.

After the channels are all ready to be used. The next thing to consider is to build an audience or traffic to come to the website, social media channels, and online stores.

Increase book sales of an author with digital marketing campaigns:

1. Search Engine Marketing: Make sure potential readers can find you.

Imagine when someone searches for a particular book and cannot find it in Google. What would he/she think? "The book is not that famous", "Is the book really good?", "Why doesn't it have a website?"

Those are the thoughts that would appear if someone can't find a book when he/she searches for it. The purpose of search engine marketing is to make sure that people can find the book.


As you can see from the screenshot above, the first result is an advertisement by a company called LivePlan that leverage from the search traffic of people looking for The Lean Startup book. The next 3 results are links that actually bring visitors to the right website about The Lean Startup.

LivePlan is selling tools for entrepreneurs, which is the same audience that searches for startup books. By using a simple search engine marketing. LivePlan gains high-quality traffic of entrepreneurs that might be their customers.


LivePlan's landing page targets entrepreneurs

This is just an example of how powerful search engine marketing can be, if we use it well. Search engine marketing is one of the best ways to deliver our products/services when people need it. People usually search for something because they want to know more about it, need it, or want it. All of the three are awesome for business.

2. Social Media Marketing: Get new readers and sell to website visitors.

If a search engine is a place where people look for something, social media is where they hang out. Social media is where they see new stuff and develop a demand for something. Social media marketing is a must-do strategy in 2016. We can now target very specific audiences that might be potential readers such as:

  1. Gender: Male
  2. Age: 20 - 40
  3. Location: San Francisco
  4. Interest: Entrepreneurship, startup, business.
  5. Education level: College, MBA.
  6. Placement: News Feed
  7. Many more

Rick Mulready is selling me his course through Facebook Ads

From the example above, we can see that people are showing ads in my Facebook news feed. They know what I am interested in, I learn about various digital marketing strategies that can help people to increase sales with online media channels.

With social media marketing, we can get new prospects that might be interested in our products/services with our own customer personalization, or target market we want. We can also show ads to people that have already visited our websites before, or those who almost bought our books.

3. Content Marketing: Write blog posts or articles that matter to the target market.

Blog posts can be a good way to generate traffic to a book's website. A blog post can be a little bit of information about how valuable the book is. It can share the fundamental idea of the book, and if people like it, they can purchase it!

Ash Maurya, the author of Running Lean, has been writing blog posts to generate relevant traffic to his website.


The blog posts have done a really great job considering the 200,000 website visitors the website gets every month.

The blog posts share stories about how Ash Maurya develops the Running Lean book using its lean startup principles. Yes, the way he develops the book is included inside the book itself. That's a very interesting way to market a book.


Digital marketing is the key to increasing book sales of an author. As of now, there is almost no better way to get the results like how search engine marketing, social media marketing, and content marketing can deliver. Utilizing various channels like a website, social media, and online bookstores are also ultimately important to make sure people can know about an author's book, know about the author, love them, and purchase the book.

About OMSETGO Digital Marketing Specialist


OMSETGO is all about increasing your sales. OMSETGO is a Digital Marketing Specialist with expertise in Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, and Data Analytics. We have seen many businesses that have spent huge budgets in various media without being able to really understand the success rate of their campaigns.

We believe there must be a better way. OMSETGO utilizes the best technologies to assist our clients to gain high Return on Investment (ROI) for their marketing campaigns.

Reach us now: